Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Summer Learning Journey

Kia Ora Bloggers, 

Today is the day the Amazing 3rd day of the  SLJ 
It is a quality blog comment because i have said something nice and something helpful 
Here is the comment of the first day sorry im doing the 1 day today. 

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Soy Candles

Tuesday 8th December 2020 

Hey Bloggers,

Today we got the opportunity to make Soy Candles,
This is the things we need to make Soy Candles, 

Measuring Spoon,
Measuring Cup,
Pouring Jar,
Double Boiler,
Tealight Holder,
Soy Wax 
And There you go
That's what you need to make Soy candles 

Friday, December 4, 2020

Fantastic Friday

Friday 4th December 2020
Today i came to school and i put my bag away and  put my lunch box away. After i did Road Patrol I did it with Lanisi. Till 8.40 And then we had Breakfast. Then we had maths. I learnt some decimals. After we had Morning Tea. 20 Minutes Later. We had karate and i kicked the board so hard and it went to two pics.   
After we had Summer Learning Journey. In that we do art. After The Bell Rang for Lunch . We had a lit Disco and Party. We had Secret Santa!. I got War Heads I don't know who its from it says its from Santa
Claus. The End